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User:Tinkers - TangoWiki


From Tangowiki

Tinkers (Andrea Seewald & Matías Haber Dia) He is an opera singer, who was singing in Vienna for the past 9 years. Born in Uruguay and living several years in Buenos Aires he always combined his tenor carrier with tango, attending to the milongas and taking tango lessons with for him the best "tangueros" including his girlfriend Andrea Seewald alias "Tinkerbell". She, an Austrian, contemporary dancer, who finished of her education in Vienna. After working with different choreographers, making her own pieces, finishing of her degree in feldenkrais and lnb, she finally fell in love with tango. Besides from moving she alwys loved to act and sing. So she took lessons with for her the singing teacher in town: Matias Haber .....and this is how the story begins..... They started to teach together tango for people with Down syndrome. Falling in love with this experience they got inspirit to organize the first international tango festival, with inclusion in Uruguay. After the great success in Uruguay it was more than obvious for them to bring this wonderful experience to Austria too. "Tango en Punta" means one festival, two continents. Besides organizing they are teaching tango for people with disabilities in Uruguay and Austria, as well as developing choreographies for them.